Tuesday, June 19, 2012

this chruch is true and im really blessed by the lord!!! this work is his work and im blessed to be here! the mission is the best thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! im not going to lie. im learning so much about how to applay the scriptueres and what faith is ! but htis week was noraml!!!!!!!! bnut super spirtual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like no jokie we had the aweosme mission thing friday and i played the bass with the herman chipman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we played the lord is my shepard! and playing with here ws really really aweomse!!!!!!!! we jsut saw miracles and i learning something really interesting form the scipruters and the storys are really close related to each other. samsung and joseph from egypte. they both were choosen men from the lord. but for samsung a girl wanted him to tell him what his secret was, and the same thing for joseph. but here is the cool thing in kings 16:16 and genisis 39;10 they tempted them in spanish it says CADA DIA!!!!! every day. and the difference is that samung gave into the temptaionc and died with his eyes pocked out, and that jospeh didnt give in and he was king of egypte for more then 14 years! but satain is there cada dia! cada dia. and thas way the lord has given us things to do cada dia!!! reed the book of moromn pray! cada dia and it makes me think of the experience of when we were walking with the family and we got attacked by dogs and they wanted to bite tippy! and it had its mouth open waiting to bite here and i tackeled it. but en pedro i think it says. that satain is like a lion walking about waiting to devour. he is there cada dia!!!!! but with the lord we can over come him if we do our part cada dia! how is the family are you studying and praying as a family every day? is janae doing that with here family cada dia? thats how he works every day !

but htis week was really good if i can do my part we will baptise 2 this week i will send elder swasey to his house with 2 baptisums!!!!!! i told the lord that i would do things to get these two baptisums. and IF I DO MY PART he will do his. and the people are doing there part. so i know that we will get two baptisums this week! and thats what fiath is no promise the lord you will do something and then do it to get the blessing. faith is workds. wel lthis week was really awesome. elder swasey is going home this week and then the new prisednte is coming here the 30th so things are oging really well for me the lord loves me and im super blessed he just gives me things that i dont desereve. he is so mericull.

rember that the future is as bright as your fiath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you guys.

*elder Libberton *

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