Monday, April 23, 2012

hola querido familia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the mission is the best experiance ever!!!!!!!!! like no joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS WEEK WAS AWEOSME!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmm where to start. i guess p day despues when i wrote you guys! me and elder swasey went home and we made a castle! it was so awesome we made a castle out of boxexes and we put it around planning station. so every night when we plan we plan in a castile of boxes its so so so aweosme im not going to lie! elder swasey is so cool!!! so after p day we had a miltie zone confference. and the zone had to plan a 20 minute talk thing on how can we motivate the zone and keep baptising and we planned well elder swaswey planned an actividad con paneton. its that really gross bread that every eats for christmas. any way we were talking about a elder of success has to love the mesage and we did a example with the paneton. and like the missionary has to love the message and treat it with respect or people wont see the importacia of it. so like we had some one come up and elder swasey just reached in with his hand got a piece of bread and crummpled it up and through it at the elder. then we asked every one if they wanted more and they said no. so we called some one else out and we cut a slice out got down on one knee and gave it to tehm. but there is a huge differece if the elders love the message and how they present it. so taht went really really well the milti zone confericia. then after that we jsut went back to normal work and we kept working and we love our area and stuff.

we had 5 baptisums in the zone this week and here is the cool part i did my FIRST INTERVIEW in the whole mission. it was so amazing. the sister was so prepared to be baptised. and i felt the spirt there crazy and it guieded my words and it was a amazing experience to have for my first intervciew. then later that day i did my second interview, and the same thing happened it was guieded by the holy ghost. and its such amazing expericane to have in my life.

then latter that week wait... yesterday we did changes with the assitents and i wnet to my first area!!!!!!!!! i went with elder chica to algarrobos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was crazy!! it was walking down memoriy lane we were walking and i was explaning where all the people i taught lived and i saw one of them out side but i couldnt talk to them casue its not my area we were only walking through. but i did a work vist with an assitante and i learned so much for him. but for a while i went to algarrobos and walked down memoria lane. it was such an amazing experiance to talk and teach with an assitante it was a great experriacne.

so its jsut really cool im really happy and learning alot about life and jsut learning about the misison. i lvoe it elder swasey is a really cool elder! im learning alot form him. some bad news i have to go to the dentist. but i will jsut pay for it all in cash. before i left you gusy gave me like 2 or 3 hunder dollars for travel and i didnt spend any of that till now and i will get it changed into soles and it will be enough to pay for the dentist. i dont know what happened. i think for last year after my filling on of the fillings was to tall so every time i bit down my jaw wasnt flat and i just started this week really hurthing and my whole jaw hirst like crazy but after this im going to the dentist and i will pay with cash. but DONT WORRY MOM IM FLOSSING EVERY NIGHT AND I BRUSH 4 TIMES A DAY. so its shouldnt bhe a cavity it should jsut be the filing thing cuase its my whole jaw that reallly hurts.

but life is good im really happy to be here! i love the word our investagators bug me a little bit. they are turrning away for god after they have felt it. but thats okay it will be a cool story for them. i was so hard to acept the truth at first but here i am. so wie will just keep working with them. we ahve been fasting and praying alot for them and sunday was the zone fast. and with our faith we will see some results. i know that we will see some resulsts of our faith and i k now that we can reach our goal. we have been praying alot.

side note elder trudo from the mtc my comapion he was form snow college and he wants to room with me when i get home so he told me to to tell you guys that at snow college the rooms park place are really cool and thats wehre he is going. to stay and iwant to be roomates with him that would be a really sweet ivorment to go home to we could have our study in companion and personal. and everyting.

man im trying to be the person that the lord wants and elder chica told me taht the most imporant thing about being a leader is taht people follow you, and thas why the lord chose to be a leader of zone in piura central that people follow me, and with that in mind you allways have to do the right 100 perciento del tiempo. always do the right and i need to work on that no? i need to be more humble and pacience and lead by exapmle. but i know that the lord has good things en store for the zone and for me and im jsut super happy elder swasey is an awsoem guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im learning alot about everything how to be a leader h ow to teach by the sprit and im learning. i know this churhc is ture.

para terminar..... alma 48..............
this chapter talkes about capitan moroni and how if every man was like him the devel wouldnt have power but something else in the same chapter it talks about the bad king but there is a huge differece. moroni went form town to town preparing there minds! wqhile the bad king got up on a tower and just shouted at all the lamainties that the nefitas are bad and sinnets and kill them.

a lot of the thime there are things that are fighting for our mind. moroni prepared the mind of his people.. its a war today with our thougths and satian is in the tower yhelling there are a lot fo bad stuff in music tv that we think is really atractive and that gets our attentcion. but we need to be prepareing our minds every day. and i know thats ture if we read and pray and go to chruch WHITH OUT fail we will have a stronger mind to overcome sin. let us be like moroni and prepare the mind of oour people and our lives

i know this chruch is ture. and the mission is aweosme. the first of may there will be a consejo de zona ! im realy excited and i want you guys to k now that i love you so much. have a AWSOME week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shout our from peru!!!!!!!!!!!!! call me back!!!!!!!!!!!!! love elder libberton.

*elder Libberton *

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