Thursday, May 9, 2013

week was the best week of the whole misison jaja!!!! lots of crazy stuff happend. like one day we were tracking and a little girl answeraed the door and said my ant is home but she is chalic and we said no that doesnt matter clall her and she came to the door and it was so funhny because a non like those weird chatlic lady that have a weird vial on ther face and like a dress came out it was funny ! and she kicked us off her door step! it was so funny !

and we are teachjing a menos actice famliy and they have a girl that has 12 years old and she is the beiggest air head in the whole world. we knocked ont he door and she came out and said oh high and we siad yeah got getyour dad so she went inside to tell theimn hahaha. and we waired for 10 minutes and my compioan siad she forgot! nock again. so we nocked on the door and the other sister came out and told us that the the sister atht has 12 years old for gor to tell her dad that we were out side it was so funny !

and toher then that the misison work is going really good here we are teaching some really good people but they never go to chruch here ha for real our ward startes at 8 de la morning and little people are coming to chruch but its good we are working well with the members and we have reviced a sweet referance this week and a saweet street contact.

we were walking in the street and a lady stopped us. and siad where do you guys give bible classes and we said in houses. she said oh good my nephiew is elder in chile he is form paita. and i know her brother so we talked to her and she accepted an apponiment in her house and we wnet an dthey were not home lol the life of an a elder.. but we are gonig to contact her this week and see how things are going. butthis wee kwas a good week....

my compion allsyas says dude dont go home stay here !!!!!! ha well i love you guys.

im going to call sudnay 3 or 4 wich is like 2 or there there i hope thats alright. i love yougys. !!!!!!!!!!!

*El futoro es tan brillante segun su fe*

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8th

her are some fotos of the confefince. and it was really cool we went to the stake center and filled 3 buses with memers and went and wathced it. it was epic. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*El futoro es tan brillante segun su fe*

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


well this mounth isgoing along really really really well. !! holy cow have i seen miracles. the zone right now has 5 baptiumss and they are all converts :) but the goal is 20 ha and this week we had 0. but we are not down. the lord is going to bless us with miracles if we do all that we can. this week we have 8 that aregoing to get baptised. 8! and 1 of them is in my branch and she asked me to do it. and then the next week we have 2 that are like 100 percent that are going to do it andthen we have 1 thats like so or so. but its super cool and the other missionamry in my branch ahs 3 also and a super powerfull missanry has 2 so thats 5 plus 8= 13 nad plus 2 plus 2 plus 2 is 19... and we only have on left and there are alot of possiblesthert in the zone so i know that we areoging to get the goal and ifwe get the goalwe willreach the goal thatthepresidente has set as the goal of excellence. i know that we are going ot get thegoal cuase i have been praying alot and he will answear my prayers and fasts.but the zone is super sweet we are super ready for itto baptise 20.. i know that christ lives and he is our savior andits only thorugh him that we will be able to baptise 20.. but we are going to do it its going to be sweeti love you gusy and i hope you have a good week.

*El futoro es tan brillante segun su fe*

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


well tonight is the big night 2013 i guss the mayas were wrong hahaha 2012 nothing happend. well this week was really good i got to see you guys and this mounths the zone had 15 baptisums and it was really good mounth!! and tomorrow we are gonig to have the zone council its every mounths but this new year 2013 i will be with the leaders of the mission and be there taklilng to them about life and the msison and this tiem its oging to be alot better cauese me have 15 hahah its oing to be really aawsoemse!!! and other then that we are donig rreally good..

it was so nice to tlak to you guys i miss youguys alot and it sounds like you guys are happy to have me home.. time will fly and the baptiusmis will come and its going to be really sweet im going to give it all that i have. until now i do nt have any regrets and im sending a letter for dad today ! i love yougusy!!!!!!!!!!!

*El futoro es tan brillante segun su fe*

Monday, December 17, 2012


this week was crazy!!!! really crazy but at the same time we saw alot of miracles the zone is diong really great! we baptised 5 last week and this wekk we have a goal of 5 and the next week weill have a few more we weill bpatise and the mission at this time is going really well. no there are allway times of downs and ups and we road the down time well and now we are happy with the up times. hahah. but this week was amazing. inspite of all the hard times we felt the spirt. for me this week was ahuge sucess you guys know me i all ways wanted to punch people playing basketball ha this is sitll a probalem but im wo much better but this week we rean itno so many pastors this week they allwyas! and all they did was attack the book of mormon and we stood in there and tesitfided with strenght and we could defined our selves. it was a good week. and alot og people are exicted to get baptised only they need to getmarred and here is really hard to get married. so thigs are oging relaly well. this is for all the famliy some one told me aobut this it was the branch president!!! but you guys need to look up the face book page RAMA TABLAZO PAITA. its the page for the branch and im in the there lol so some fotos to see me.. and it aws relly cool this week a group form my first area come out. a group form algarrobos! and i played the bass with them two times n my whole mission and they come out to paita andi almoast played the bass for the 3rd time but they didnt bring it out. but theis group did a chirstams concert in the chapple and it was really cool it made me want ot go boack to snow college and play the bass ahah. but i think it will allyas be my hobby and not a profesnal thing form now on. but it was really beatufil. and the zone and the mission is going really well this week is oging to be a good week for us and we are really exicted ot keep working hard and im really scared about how fast time is flying by this mounhts went by really fast!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and ps. every one herein paita is saying that the 21st is the end of the world so if it is i will see you guys in the world of the spirts hahahah. i love you family !!!!!!!!!!!!!

*El futoro es tan brillante segun su fe*

Monday, November 26, 2012


hey familia. how is it going ?

well this week was amazng. i love my compaoin elder lazarte. he is the best and we are wokring alot harder and helping the people keep the promises like in preach my gospel chapter 11 it talks aobut compromisos. i dont know what it is in inglish i think its commitments. but it tlaks aobut how we help people change there life and its been really really intersting wokring with elder lazarte he has taught me to work in a differnet way. im so old school i love knocking doors and talking to everyone in the street and just doing that all day. but he has taught me to work a enw way and its hard cuase i feel like im doing less but the results are a whole lot better we are focusing on chapter 11 and makeing sure people do twhat we invite them to do read and pray and go to chruch and the people are really exicted to go to chruch. this week 8 went to chrufh !! the branch was full of new people and alot of members. and people are reading the book of moron and we are helpng the people come to christ. we have re dedicated our lives to the work and its been a blessing the time is going by fatser and im a whole lot happier. and it looks like we will have a lot of baptisums here in diciember but we are not just in it for numers but thats deffiently a blessing lol!!! i love the work i love my area and i love my compaion. he has the same time as me in the mission and it looks like here in a little while we will have 18 mounths. and that will be really weird. wow how time flys... i cant belive it! i read something really cool that jesus will teach dad if mom wants to go running with him its in 3 nephi 12:41 but in spanish its a lot cooler cuase in the palce of twain it says 2 hahahah..

i miss you guys alot but its worth it i know that htis chruch is ture. and i konw that its turea cuase i have asked god and he asnsweared my prayer. and if you gusy havent asked god yet i invite you to ask him. and even if your jsut having a bad day. and feel bad ask him if its the true chruch and he will ansear you and when you feel the holy ghost you will feel a whole lot better. cuase its the conseler that helps us ever day. i miss you gusy andi love you all!! ha i will see you guys here in a few weeks!!!!!!

*El futoro es tan brillante segun su fe*

Monday, November 19, 2012


hey guys well this week was aweomse!!! and it went by really fast. ha but the presndete rowley made me really really uncomfortable!!!! sunday we had revisons of rroms. to see if they were all clean so presidente and his wife and his daughter came out to paita. and he said. well i have meeting so elder libberotn and elder lazarte go to all rooms of the zone in the car of the presidente with the herman rowley and her daughter and it was really really akward. but at the same time cool it was my 9tgh time int he car of hter presidente rowley. and we got ot see all of the the roomms sunday. it was really cool. but the daughter of hte presidente is engaged and will be getting married really really soon. but it was a good suday trip with them driving in the car and stopping at all the rooms we went ot 10 rooms. and life is going really well i love my companoin and the ozne and the misison. its the best thing that i have ever done in my life.
*El futoro es tan brillante segun su fe*